For several weeks now I’ve been working on a demo application that combines the use of our DevExtreme grid widgets (the Data Grid and the Pivot Grid) with patterns and environments encountered in real-world JavaScript application systems. Now the demo has reached a certain level of functionality and I will blog about various aspects of it in the near future.
Here are the blog posts coming up in this series (links will be added as posts are published):
- Introduction and overview (this post)
- MongoDB data access
- Orchestrating Microservices
- Applying CQRS
- A front-end application using DevExtreme widgets
The demo application is available in this github repository. Scroll down to see the README, which contains instructions to run the demo application system. It has been tested on Linux, Windows and the Windows Subsystem for Linux – please report any issues you find with the demo application.
This project uses the package devextreme-query-mongodb which I announced in a previous post. In the upcoming post MongoDB data access I will describe the inner workings of this library.
It shouldn’t be necessary to mention this, but I’m afraid all code in both projects comes without any warranty. I do believe I’m doing things right and I’ll do my best to help fix any issues, but I can’t promise there are no bugs or that the implementation is fit for any particular purpose. These projects do not represent officially supported DevExpress products.