Channel: Developer Express Inc.
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DevExpress Dashboard - Excel Export & Excel Data Binding (Coming soon in v15.2)


As you all know, Microsoft Excel plays a significant role in business and so with our upcoming release, DevExpress Dashboard will introduce Microsoft Excel data export support. Simply said, you'll now be able to export the contents of the following Dashboard items to Excel.

  • Charts
  • Scatter Charts
  • Grids
  • Pie Charts
  • Cards
  • Gauges
  • Pivot Tables
  • Choropleth Map
  • Geo Point Maps
  • Range Filters

Here's an example of a Grid Dashboard Item with Sparklines exported to XLSx.

DevExpress Dashboard Data Export

Note: DevExpress Dashboard preserves original data formats during export (Custom, Currency, Date, Time, etc).

It's painless to export data - simply select the Export to Excel menu item for the Dashboard Item you wish to export.

DevExpress Dashboard - Export to Excel

Binding to Microsoft Excel Workbooks and CSV Files

DevExpress Dashboard v15.2 allows you to load data from Microsoft Excel workbooks and CSV files. You can select everything in a worksheet or a cell range referenced by a defined table or name.

  1. Select Microsoft Excel workbook / CSV file as  you data source type.
  2. Locate the required workbook.
  3. Specify import settings.
  4. Select a worksheet, table or specified range.

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