Last month, I blogged about support for Right-to-Left languages across our WinForms product line. Yes, this was a feature long time in coming and since it's finally here, I wanted to take a moment and show you how you can try our implementation for yourself....
First, the following is a list of DevExpress WinForms Controls with RTL support:
- Charts
- Grid Controls (Grid, TreeList, Pivot Grid, Vertical Grid and Property Grid)
- Data Editors and Multi-Use Controls (Range Control, Rating Control, etc.)
- Ribbon, Menus and Related Controls (BackstageView, AppMenu, еtс.)
- Layout Control and Layout Containers (TabControl, GroupControl, etc.)
- Navigation Controls (Navigation Bar, Tile Control, etc.)
- Application UI Controls (Docking, DocumentManager, etc.)
The Windows Mail Client Demo - Updated for v15.1
As part of our v15.1 update, we modified our Windows Mail Client demo (which you can launch via our Demo Center) so that resources are translated at startup. When executing the demo for the first time, you are prompted to specify a locale - English for left to right or one of the following RTL languages:
- Farsi
- Arabic
- Hebrew
As you'll see when you explore the demo, the standard .NET localization mechanism (using resource files) was used to translate the demo. More information on this localization technique can be found on MSDN: Localizing Windows Forms.
DevExpress Localization Web Service
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the DevExpress Localization Service - an easy way to create satellite assemblies with localized resources for all DevExpress controls. A number of languages and cultures are available for immediate use and can be easily modified when necessary. Review the following help topic for more information on our Localization Service.