In our last VCL release cycle, we shipped the DevExpress VCL Rich Edit Control - our Microsoft Word inspired word processor - as a community tech preview. With our upcoming release, we'll officially launch our VCL Rich Text Editor and will incorporate the following new features/capabilities:
- Table support
- Multi-column layout
- Built-in context/popup menu
- Simple and Draft document views
- Horizontal and vertical rulers
- Image sizing
- Support for plain text format files
- OLE drag and drop support
Here are a couple of screenshots demonstrating these new features.
RTF - Horizontal and Vertical Rulers
RTF - Multi Column Layout
In addition, this update will include the following new multi-purpose dialogs:
- Font Editing
- Bullets and Numbering
- Find and Replace
- Insert Table
- Table Properties
- Tabs and Symbols
Please note that in the v15.1 beta, the Rich Edit Control only supports RAD Studio XE or later and can only be used in 32-bit apps created with Delphi/C++Builder.
As always, we welcome your feedback and comments - let us know how you are planning to use our VCL Rich Text Editor in your next VCL project.