We have just announced new classes coming up for the second half of 2014! Yes, I know it's already begun, but as usual we're going for the latter part of the second half, to let all of you get back to work from your summer vacations before you have to take off again for our classes. To get a quick overview, just follow this link to the main training page.
For the US side, we will be in Las Vegas in November, offering both the ASP.NET and the WinForms course. Follow these links for details and sign-up options:
In Europe we have chosen London as our location this time. This should allow a few of our customers easier access than our usual location in the Frankfurt area. Here are the detail links for Europe:
Note: In the top left corner of each detail page, there's an icon pointing to a PDF file with content detail and requirements information for the class (the link says "Course Overview and Requirements"). I get frequent requests for these details, so I thought I'd point it out specially!
Another question I hear frequently is about the target audience for these classes. That's a good question, and it is quite hard to answer. Typically, we see a mix of attendees at the events who belong to one or more of these groups:
- Customers who have just bought licenses to our products and want to learn how to use them
- Customers who have used part of the product suite, sometimes for a very long time, but are unfamiliar with some other part and want a better overview
- Customers who have used the products successfully, but who expect to learn more about the "intended" way of using the products, or gain other insight they feel they're lacking
- Future customers who have not bought licenses yet and want to learn enough about the products to help them make a decision to buy
I'm probably forgetting something, but these are the main groups that come to mind. We typically manage to deliver for all of these very successfully - and of course there's also the invaluable benefit of direct discussions with the trainer(s) and amongst each other. I hope we'll see many of you at the upcoming events!