We thank you for your ongoing feedback and for choosing DevExpress Blazor UI controls. In this post, I’ll share links to a few interesting support tickets, examples, and documentation articles. Should you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below.
Interesting Support Tickets
- Data Grid for Blazor - How to Bind an Enum to a DxComboBox column
- Data Grid for Blazor - Long text is not wrapped if it does not have spaces between words
- DataGrid for Blazor - How to reuse the same ComboBox column across several grid components
- DataGrid for Blazor - Allow resizing columns when using Horizontal Scrolling
- Blazor Editors - How to perform validation using C# code
- How to display validation errors as inline images with a tooltip, rather then showing a plain text under the editors
- How to use a DevExtreme JavaScript Gantt in a Blazor application
- How to create a collapsible panel (accordion) based on CheckBox components in a switch type which are bound to enum
Online Examples
- How to localize DevExpress Blazor components
- How to implement a Theme Switcher in Blazor applications
- Scheduler for Blazor - How to implement CRUD operations with a Web API Service
- TreeView for Blazor - How to implement the Breadcrumb control based on a selected node
- Charts for Blazor - How to filter the chart based on DataGrid selection
- Data Grid for Blazor - How to create DataGrid and its columns at runtime
- DataGrid for Blazor - Server application - How to implement data export functionality using DevExpress Reporting tools
- DataGrid for Blazor - WebAssembly application - How to implement data export functionality using DevExpress Reporting tools
Documentation Updates
Getting Started
To help you get started with our Blazor components, we updated the following Blazor topics to include recent changes to the framework:
Please note that our documentation now refers to Blazor's hosting models using official names: Blazor WebAssembly and Blazor Server
New Common Topics
New Components
Data Grid
- Bind to Custom Data Sources
- Bind to Data Asynchronously
- CheckBox Column
- Sort Data
- Master-Detail View
- Handle a Row Click
- HTML Decoration
- Paging
- Save and Load Layout
- Row Preview Template
- New Row Initialization
Scheduler Events for CRUD Operations
- AppointmentUpdating / AppointmentUpdated
- AppointmentInserting / AppointmentInserted
- AppointmentRemoving / AppointmentRemoved
More Updates
- TreeView - Load Child Nodes on Demand
- Pager - Navigation Modes
- Chart - Axis Types
- Popup - Visibility, Footer, and Scrolling Long Content
- Clear Button and Null Text for all Data Editors